Learning Communities

Learning Communities ….
Curious about the benefits? See this NinerTimes article from May 2024.
Required to live with LC in residence hall | No Residential Component | |
49er First (Wilson) Business (Lynch) Computing & Informatics (Laurel) Engineering (Oak) Health Connection (Laurel) Leadership Journey (Lynch) | Communication Studies Education English Global Village History First-Year | History Transfer* Math & Science First UTOP Sociology Bridge* |
49er First Learning Community
Freshmen of any major in any college who are first-generation students; Residential
In recognition that first-generation college students may face unique challenges as it relates to preparedness, The 49er First Learning Community is designed to provide academic and social support to students who will be the first in their families to earn a 4-year degree in the United States.
This residential program is dedicated to ensuring first-generation students not only find pride behind being first, but also exposes students to all of the opportunities that exist for them at Charlotte! Participants will engage in service-learning, career exploration/development, and community building. Through collaboration with campus partners, students will build a toolkit of people and resources they can draw from to drive their success.
Chris Walls, LC Coordinator
Business Learning Community
Freshmen accepted into Belk College of Business designated as pre-business, pre-accounting, and pre-economics; Residential
The Business Learning Community (BLC) is a cohort of first-year business students who live and attend classes together. The program is designed to ease the transition to university life, enhance student academic performance, provide opportunities for direct exposure to business and networking, and improve the overall student experience.
Designed for diverse, highly-motivated students with leadership potential and an interest in professional development, UNC Charlotte’s BLC provides first-year business students with a built-in community of learners and a current and future professional network.
The application process includes completion of the Learning Community Application followed by a phone or video discussion with the program coordinator.
For more information on the BLC visit the Belk College of Business here: http://belkcollege.charlotte.edu/blc.
Communication Studies Learning Community
Freshmen accepted into the Pre-Communication major; No residential component
The Communication Studies Learning Community (COMM LC) is a nonresidential program designed to provide selected Pre-Communication majors a head start in college and in their career exploration. The program is philosophically centered on students becoming responsible communicators and civically-engaged citizens. In addition to learning more about the Communication Studies major, campus services, and student life, the COMM LC provides opportunities for students to engage in professional, social, and recreational experiences both across campus and in Charlotte. For instance, COMM LC students visit with alumni, tour media facilities in the city, visit PR firms, attend speaker series, and enjoy campus festivities, sporting events, and community gatherings together as a group.
Ultimately, the COMM LC nurtures a core of students who can become student leaders in the department and who enjoy a close-knit first year experience with fellow students, often making life-long friends in the process. The program begins with a freshman seminar course that orients students to Communication Studies. In the second semester students take a rhetorical studies course that is required for Communication Studies majors. This course allows students to gain an early foothold into the major, while also affording them the chance to learn foundational theory and to practically apply Communication Studies concepts in a safe and brave community space
Communication Studies Learning Community
Dr. Jason Edward Black
Computing and Informatics Learning Community
Freshmen accepted into College of Computing & Informatics majoring in Computer Science; Residential
The CCI-LC is designed to jump-start the participants’ academic careers through studying and learning experiences more commonly associated with a small college: a close-knit environment and community of mutual support. Recognizing that all significant development projects today are team efforts, the CCI-LC provides opportunities both for individual work and group work through team assignments, study groups, and community-wide activities that will provide life-long learning skills and ease the transition from high school to college, and eventually to the workplace.
Computing and Informatics Learning Community
Ilana Rivkovich
Education Learning Community
Freshmen who intend to become teachers and are designated as Pre-Education; No Residential Component
The Education Learning Community (ELC) is open to incoming freshmen declared as Pre-Education majors. The program is designed to foster students’ passion for teaching, provide networking opportunities, and ease the transition to university life. Students build a sense of community through intentionally designed activities, as well as taking the required ELC seminar course together both fall and spring semester. Professional development activities are a key part of each semester.
Education Learning Community
Phillip Pope
Engineering Freshman Learning Community
Freshmen accepted into The William States Lee College of Engineering; Residential
Students in the Engineering Freshman Learning Community will have a variety of opportunities to network with other students, learn from one another, and teach others by taking classes and working on projects together. In addition, through mentoring and study groups students in the community acquire the skills necessary to improve and enhance learning. The EFLC encourages students to achieve academic excellence with the support of a tight-knit community of persevering students, dedicated staff, and involved faculty.
Engineering Learning Community
Ms. Yolanda McIlwaine
English Learning Community
First-year students with an interest in literature, creative writing, or language and digital technology. All majors are welcome but recommended for English majors, minors, or those considering English. No residential component.
The English Learning Community (ELC) is designed for students interested in literature, creative writing, or language and digital technology. It fosters student success by creating an environment where students can build friendships and find support while transitioning to university life. The program emphasizes the interconnected themes of literacy, the arts, and community, offering opportunities to engage with Charlotte’s vibrant cultural scene through activities like poetry readings, plays, and concerts. Students benefit from peer mentorship, individualized advising that includes early career exploration, instructional support, and meaningful connections with English faculty and local authors. While the ELC is based in the Department of English, it is open to students of all majors.
English Learning Community
Tiffany Morin
Global Village Learning Community
The Global Village Learning Community is a one-year non-residential program designed to introduce first-year students to the social scientific study of societies and cultures. Through academic and extracurricular experiences, we spend time learning about different people and cultures at home and abroad. The GVLC is open to all students but will be of particular interest to students interested in any one of the social science majors such as Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science; any student interested in pursuing a career that has an intercultural dimension; or any student interested in other peoples and cultures. Students will enroll together in a series of courses that fulfill General Education requirements. When students become eligible to participate in a study abroad program, students are given the opportunity to travel to an international site for additional academic coursework.
Global Village Learning Community
Dr. Diane Zablotsky
Health Connection Learning Community
First-year students accepted into College of Health and Human Services; Residential
The Health Connection Learning Community is a residential program for students pursuing a major in nursing, social work, exercise science, public health, or health systems management. Students will live together in the same residence hall, take classes, participate in community service, and learn together to enhance their understanding of different healthcare and social service disciplines to increase their communication, leadership and teamwork skills so they can function successfully in these settings. In addition, individual academic advisement, registration for courses, and faculty support are provided. Our overall goal is to provide collaborative teaching services to better prepare each student for possible entry into the competitive college majors.
Health Connection Learning Community
Ms. Tracy Bonoffski
History First-Year Learning Community
Freshmen and First Time in College students of any major with an interest in history or its pre-professional foci. No residential component.
The History FIrst-Year Learning Community (HLC) program is for all majors and undecided freshmen/first-time-in-college students with an interest in history or its pre-professional foci in business, law/justice, public history, education, military, diplomacy, and advocacy. This one-year program offers small-scale learning in a large university and is designed to accelerate and enhance academic performance with hands-on experiences in history.
The program’s curriculum is centered around two dedicated major courses, with opportunities for field work, career orientation, excursions, and job shadowing. Students may opt to live anywhere on campus or to commute. Highly recommended for history majors and minors, but all majors or meta-majors are very welcome.
The HLC fulfills the University-mandated Prospect for Success requirement.
History First-Year Learning Community
Dr. Oscar Lansen (interim coordinator)
History Transfer Learning Community
Transfer students with a history major; No Residential Component
This community creates links between students and professors and among students themselves to ensure that transfer History majors have access to the university’s multiple resources. We want to use the HTLC as a space to share experiences, information, and opportunities so that you can make the most of your university life.
As a member of the HTLC you will have the opportunity to
- Enroll in undergraduate research assistantships to work closely with a professor.
- Have close follow-up in your educational/academic progress.
- Attend lectures and events given by university professors (such as the Personally Speaking Lectures).
- Join in special events just for our learning community like the end of semester honors and party.
- Participate in the spring’s annual Graduate Conference in History (GHA).
History Transfer Learning Community
Dr. Carol Higham
Dr. Ella Fratantuono
Leadership Journey Learning Community (LJLC)
Freshmen with interest in leadership development and campus involvement; Residential
The LJLC is a program for all first-year students who have an interest in developing or building leadership skills and abilities. This experience is designed to build students into ethical leaders in today’s multicultural and rapidly changing world through the development of practical skills. Our program is based on active learning in and out of the classroom with structured activities, experiences, and community service that provide leadership opportunities, help first-year students adjust to college life, and set them up for success at UNC Charlotte. The program requirements may conflict with some academic curricula.
Leadership Journey Learning Community
Vincent Evola
Math and Science First Learning Community
Freshmen majoring in, or intending to major in, a Math or Science major within the College of Science or the College of Humantities & Earth and Social Sciences; No Residential Component
The Math and Science First LC is designed around the degree requirements for majors in the Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, and Earth Sciences (Geology, Meteorology, and Environmental Science) fields of study. First-generation students are strongly encouraged to apply. A first-generation student is someone who is among the first generation of their family to attend a college or university.
Participation in the LC can increase your success in college by helping you access resources and develop skills to help you succeed in your major. The LC will also provide a community of peers and mentors to support you during your first year at the University and beyond. The program is designed specifically to address challenges students in STEM fields often encounter. Features of the program include individualized advising, support for introductory science and math courses, career and goal coaching, community of peers with similar interests, and early contact with faculty in these disciplines.
Math & Science First Learning Community
Dr. Ellen Wisner
UNC Charlotte Department of Biological Sciences
Sociology Bridge Learning Community
Transfer students with declared majors in Sociology or intended majors in Sociology; No Residential Component
The Sociology Bridge Learning Community (SBLC) is a one-year program for transfer students interested in majoring in Sociology at UNC Charlotte. The purposes of this community are three-fold: (1) to integrate new transfer students into the University and the Department; (2) to provide professional socialization to these students; and (3) to enable these students to make timely progress toward degree completion. Students in SBLC will be guaranteed seats in four classes that fulfill upper-level requirements for Sociology majors, which will advance their progress towards graduation.
Sociology Bridge Learning Community
Dr. Anne-Kathrin Kronberg
Fretwell 485B
Dept. of Sociology
Phone: 704-687-7806
Email: akronber@uncc.edu
SUCCESS Learning Community
University Transition Opportunities Program (UTOP) Learning Community
Freshmen who participated in the UTOP summer bridge program; No Residential Component
The UTOP Learning Community (LC) is an extension of the 6-week summer experience. The UTOP Learning Community (LC) provides students with resources and activities that aid their transition into college such as peer mentoring, socials, tutoring, study groups, workshops on academic and personal growth, leadership opportunities and community service. The LC works with the colleges within the University to ensure students take the requisite classes for his/her major during the first year. Students engage in rigorous coursework, academic support services and co-curricular activities.
University Transition Opportunity Program (UTOP) Learning Community