Message for Parents and Families

Dear Parents and Family Members:
UNC Charlotte has a rich history of providing new undergraduate students with opportunities to ease their transition to college. In 2001, the first learning community (LC) was established with 38 students, representing just 2% of our freshman class. Today we have seventeen (17) different learning communities with approximately 725 enrolled students. The Learning Community Program now reaches over 20% of our freshman class and some transfer students. To date, the program has served over 10,000 students.
Learning communities were established to increase new students’ academic success, learning, and engagement by creating communities of students and faculty/staff through common courses, curricular innovations and co-curricular activities based on a major, theme, or interest. This joint initiative between Academic Affairs and Student Affairs has been most successful, both in terms of longevity and its impact on students. Impact is measured in many ways, including student satisfaction, learning outcomes, and academic performance. Due to their success, learning communities are considered a model for how to positively affect students’ transition and academic achievement.
Students are encouraged to become involved in at least one first-year program that will help ease their transition to college ~ and there are many options. Parents and family members can play an important role in encouraging students to participate in what is known to have a positive impact on students’ success. We encourage you and your new student to explore this site and to seriously consider applying to one (or more) learning community of interest.